NBC晚间新闻 小男孩帮助拯救一千多条流浪狗(在线收听

A nice big hug. They say there's nothing like a boy and his dog. She's just my little snuggle bug. Roman McConn has had over a thousand. This is my pal Cheeto. The seven-year-old and his mom started project Freedom Ride to rescue dogs from kill shelters. In December 6th of 2016 we transported 31 dogs and that was it. That was gonna be our only chance but then we just kept going.

Roman's mom Jane started videotaping her son with different dogs. We got asked if the dog was kid-friendly and it was much easier to just answer it with him making the videos. Roman wasn't natural. It takes a little while for her to get used to. very soft too, i should tell you. And people couldn't help fall in love with the little boy and the dogs who just needed a chance. Like running in circles. It was hilarious all right. Good dogs and a great little boy spreading his love and saving lives. Those are my shoes!

