NBC晚间新闻 脸书否认允许150家公司滥用用户信息(在线收听

Tonight more and more people deciding Facebook is not their friend. Delete Facebook trending on Twitter. People fed up after the New York Times reported Facebook allowed 150 companies including Microsoft, Amazon and Netflix access to users personal data. Some partnerships gave companies the ability to read, write and delete private messages without users knowledge or consent. What's the driving force behind these partnerships?

Driving fourth is growth at all costs, growth at all costs and selling your privacy to make money. Today Facebook admitted to give partners like Spotify access to users private messages if they signed on to the sites using their Facebook accounts but denied they did it without user consent. Spotify says it never accessed private messages. Facebook under fire over privacy and access to users data for years. Founder Mark Zuckerberg apologizing in The New Yorker in 2009 for college text messages calling people dumb who trusted him with their information. Just this year may accomplice to Congress for allowing a political consulting firm to get users data without their permission. That was a big mistake and it was my mistake and I'm sorry. This time sorry may not be enough.

