
The deal is done.

"What a bloody hell! I'm Rupert Murdoch, the billionaire tyrant, and this is my newspaper!""If you are Rupert Murdoch, prove it!" "Hi, Rupert!" "e,oh."

It's official, media-baron Rupert Murdoch has bought the Wall Street Journal. Adding it to the news Corp. media monopoly that now spans over 175 news papers worldwide as film studios, internet-holdings like My Space, Satellite TV and Cable, Magazines, and publishing. Begging a question “what's next?” As companies like news cooperation are now pushing the FCC to allow them to get even bigger.

He is the propriety, what the marketer thought was the chastity. What it comes to money and power, he’s carnivorous, all-appetite and no taste, killing anything in his path.

And while he’s promised not to interfere in the journal’s editorial policy he’s made that promise before like when he took over the New York Post, and radically transformed it into a conservative junk news tabloid. He also promised not to make changes to the Times of London. "There will be no fundamental change in the characteristics." But former editors there are saying Murdoch complained that too many of their stories had a quote left-wing bent, and even called one of their correspondents a quote unquote “Commie”.

He broke his promises then. Why should we believe him now, especially given his fox news networks idea of fair and balanced? “Vicious far-lest website called DailyKos, one of the worst examples of hatred America has to offer.”

Free press founder Robert McChesney says the growth of big media monopolies like news Corp. have directly paralleled the decline of journalism in America with less local and international coverage, fewer points of view and slashed budgets for real investigative reporting.

Our whole constitution rests on having a free press, it’s the premise, it’s the unstated premise of the whole project. If we don’t have any foreign citizens, we all, every word in our constitution is meaningless. If you don’t know your privileges, your rights, if you aren’t aware of what’s going on, we have to have a press system. It's our duty, not our right to build a free press, and the foundation of a free press of doing that is healthy journalism.

Instead, media barons like Murdoch have shifted \ over to a recipe for cheep but highly-profitable Junk news. And it’s not just news crop.

The problem isn’t just Rupert Murdoch. His pursuit of the Wall Street Journal is the latest in the cascading series of merges, buyouts and other financial legitimate that are making a shipwreck of Journalism.

Public-minded newspapers are being dumped by their owner for walls of cash or crippled by cost cutting while their broadcasting cousins race to the bottom. Murdoch is just the predator of the reality.

And now Rupert Murdoch and other media predators are pushing the FCC to change the rules, allowing them to own even more newspapers, radio and television stations in the same market.

But you can fight back and help to stop Murdoch's next media take over at freepress.net/murdoch
