NBC晚间新闻 南加州飞机失事致五人遇难(在线收听

This video appealing to show a plane over Southern California turning into a fireball. Neighbors rushing out to find a house on fire and debris scattered for blocks. It definitely sound like a missile. Nancy Mel was at home when a piece of the plane blasted through her dining-room wall. The alternator broke free and shot through this window and went went through that wall into the bathroom.

Down the street the cabin of the small twin-engine Cessna in a backyard. The pilot didn't survive. I have a single family residence. Fully involved at this time with reports four people missing. Four others inside this home also killed. Neighbors say they had been getting ready for a Super Bowl party when debris crashed through the roof. The NTSB now investigating what caused the plane to fall out of the sky.

