
Question: What about the Christian right and its support for Trump’s exclusionary rhetoric?


Answer: Religion can be a very powerful source of hope, and some Christian evangelicals have fought back against that sort of rhetoric. Remember when Obama called on the evangelicals for support [during his 2008 presidential campaign]? He got pushback for that, but it was the right thing to do. You don’t want to close out one segment of the public. You do want to say that there is no place for hateful rhetoric in America.

宗教可以是希望的一个非常强大的来源,一些基督教福音派已经反击了这种花言巧语。还记得奥巴马(在2008年总统竞选期间)呼吁福音派教徒支持他吗? 他为此受到了抵制,但这是正确的做法。你不会想要放弃一部分公众。你确实想说,美国不存在仇恨言论。

How is hope an antidote to fear?


Usually, hope is considered the opposite of fear, and in a way it is. But what the philosophical tradition points out is that the two are very similar: Both require that the outcome, which is highly uncertain, is going to be something meaningful and important to you.


The Stoics (followers of a Hellenistic philosophy founded in the third century B.C.) taught learning not to care about uncertain things, about pulling all your cares inside yourself. If you were a complete stoic—caring only for your own reason and will—then you would not have fear or hope. That was a natural response in the world at the time because so much was rapidly turning into tyranny. But it was still a bad response. If you think, as I do, that it’s important to love other people or your country or things outside your control, then you are going to have both fear and hope.


Cicero was a Stoic who loved the Roman Republic—he fought to the death for it. At one point, he was mourning the death of his daughter and of the republic. His friends told him he should stop and be a proper Stoic, and he said, “No, these are important things, and I should grieve.” That’s how I think we should follow his example—hopefully without getting murdered by political assassins! He stuck his neck out, quite literally, for the assassins’ stroke.


Question: But hope is not a matter of probabilities, right?


True. You could have a relative ill in the hospital, and the probability of a positive outcome is not very good, but you could still have hope. On the other side, the probabilities might be very good, but you could still have fear and have crippling anxiety.


But hope is also not just an emotion; it’s a syndrome linked to action. An important young female philosopher, Adrienne Martin, wrote a very good book on this: How We Hope: A Moral Psychology. She points out that hope is a way of looking at a situation with a disposition to act. If you are fearful, the action tendency is to run away and hide your head. But hope is: I will get in there and try to make this good outcome more likely.


Hope energizes us. It gets us to run for office or support candidates. We won’t do that if we sit back in fear and despair. It is something you can produce in yourself with habits of mind and heart that make it more likely that you will have that hope rather than fear syndrome.

