澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 英国首相约翰逊病情恶化转入ICU(在线收听

British prime minister Boris Johnson is in intensive care in a London hospital this morning. Mr. Johnson was hospitalised yesterday for what was described at the time as "routine tests", 10 days after he had contracted coronavirus. But overnight his condition has deteriorated and Downing Street has revealed he's now being treated in an intensive care unit.


The federal government will today reveal the secret modelling that's been behind its extraordinary response to the coronavirus pandemic. The projections are expected to assess the impact of the response by authorities so far, including drastic social distancing measures and travel bans. As of last night there were 5-thousand 8-hundred confirmed cases of coronavirus in Australia, with 41 deaths.


Cardinal George Pell will today find out if his high court challenge to his child sex convictions has succeeded. The court will hand down its judgement in Brisbane this morning. Pell is currently serving six years for crimes against two choir boys in the 1990's. He was convicted in 2018, and last year lost an appeal in a two to one decision in the Victorian Court of Appeal. The cardinal has always maintained his innocence.


A 23-year-old man has died, following a shark attack in waters north of Gladstone. The man was bitten while swimming with a group of friends off North West Island. He was treated at the scene, before being airlifted to Gladstone Hospital where he died overnight.

