澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) "跪杀"弗洛伊德前警官首次出庭 美民主党人提议立法改革警察(在线收听

There are stark warnings this morning that Australian women will be disproportionately affected by plans to end free childcare next month. The federal government will stop paying child-care fees on July the 12th, and will halt access to the Jobkeeper wage subsidy for the sector a week later. Economists say more women than men lost work during the coronavirus crisis, and argue an end to the subsidy will make it harder for them to get back into the workforce.


The US policeman charged over the death of George Floyd has made his first court appearance this morning. Minneapolis officer Derek Chauvin faces murder and manslaughter charges over the death of the unarmed black man two weeks ago. Meanwhile thousands of mourners are today paying tribute to George Floyd at public memorial in Houston, after his death sparked nationwide protests against police brutality and racism. It comes as the US Democrats propose sweeping legislation to reform American police forces.


Police have spent the night searching for a vulnerable teenager who was separated from his family on Mount Disappointment north of Melbourne. 14-year old Will Callaghan has autism and was last seen on the south side of the popular hiking spot yesterday afternoon. Police say they're concerned for the teen as he is non-verbal and was not dressed for the cold overnight temperatures.

