
By declaring Mexican immigrants “rapists” on the first day of his campaign, he promoted an us-vs.-them worldview and found a political vein other politicians had not dared tap—or, if they had, only gingerly: whiteness. Trump won over millions of Americans whose attitudes could be summed up in the words of one supporter after his election: “He said things that people were thinking, not saying,” Rhode Island’s Eileen Grossman told USA Today.

特朗普在竞选的第一天就宣布墨西哥移民多为“强奸犯”,他宣扬了“我们对抗他们”的世界观,并发掘了其他政客们不敢明说的政治脉络,即赢得白人的支持——或者,如果其他政客敢于触及,也只是小心翼翼。特朗普赢得了数百万美国人的支持,这些人的态度可以用特朗普当选后一位支持者的话来概括:“他说的是人们在想的,而不是说的,” 罗德岛州的艾琳·格罗斯曼在接收《今日美国》采访时表示。

What they were “not saying,” of course, had mostly to do with race. And Trump has said quite a bit over the past two years, from defending the “very fine people” at a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, to disparaging the “shithole countries” to shutting down the government and declaring a national emergency over an “invasion” of migrants that could “infest our country.”


The 45th president has changed the way America talks about race—with profound consequences for the public (hate crimes spiked his first year in office) and both political parties. Republicans and Democrats are grappling with whiteness as an organizing element in American politics. Trump has been clear about his intentions. “I didn’t need to do this,” he said as he declared a national emergency over the wall. “The only reason we’re up here talking about this is because of the election.”


Trump’s strategy to rally white Americans poses significant challenges for both parties. For Republicans, it further alienates an increasingly diverse electorate. The number of white evangelicals and white voters without college degrees—the backbone of the GOP—is shrinking, while the number of African-Americans and Latinos is growing. Trump’s 2016 victory was narrow—he lost the popular vote. And the party’s midterms losses suggest that his all-out racial messaging strategy is alienating college--educated white suburbanites. According to Republican strategist John -Feehery, Trump now needs to convince them that “he is not the racist the media and Democrats say he is.”


But Democrats face an even thornier problem than Republicans. The party has defined itself in opposition to Trump and his small-tent agenda, but in doing so, it is promoting a vision -equally rooted in race and identity. Leaders have organized around key parts of their base—women, African-Americans, LGBTQ people—and the issues that have kept these groups from fully participating in American society, including abortion restrictions, racism in the criminal justice system and a ban on transgender troops in the military. Of the identities, race is the broadest and most visceral, the legacy of slavery passed down through the decades in white guilt and black pain.


When a photo surfaced from the 1980s medical school yearbook of Virginia’s Democratic governor, Ralph Northam, showing one person in blackface and another dressed as a member of the Ku Klux Klan, party leaders called on him to resign (he refused but vowed to dedicate the remainder of his term to racial equity). A number of declared presidential hopefuls, including Senators Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren, have recently endorsed some form of reparations for African-Americans, a controversial proposal that Democratic presidential hopefuls opposed just three years ago in the 2016 campaign.

