纽约时报 塞林格厌恶技术 然其作品即将发行电子版(3)(在线收听

The Salinger estate was among the most stubborn holdouts against digitization,


and the arrival of his e-books will fill a major gap in the digital library.


“This is the last chip to fall in terms of the classic works,”


said Terry Adams, vice president, digital and paperback publisher of Little, Brown.


“All of the other estates of major 20th century writers have made the move to e-books, but Matt has been very cautious.”


Matt Salinger resisted requests to issue e-books for years, knowing his father’s aversion to the internet.


He once tried to explain Facebook to him and remembers he was “horrified” by the notion of digital oversharing.


“I hear his voice really clearly in my head, and there’s no doubt in my mind about 96 percent of the decisions I have to make,


because I know what he would have wanted,” Mr. Salinger said.


“Things like e-books and audiobooks are tough, because he clearly didn’t want them.”


Mr. Salinger began to consider releasing e-books around 2014,


after a woman in Michigan wrote to him, saying she had a disability that made it difficult for her to read printed books.


Then, during a trip to China earlier this year,


he realized that many young people overseas read exclusively on phones and digital devices,


and that e-books were the only way to get his father’s writing in front of them.


He finally acquiesced to digital editions of Salinger’s four books —


”The Catcher in the Rye,” “Nine Stories,” “Franny and Zooey,” and “Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour: An Introduction.”


He has also explored the possibility of releasing audiobook editions


but said his father abhorred the idea of his books being performed or interpreted in any way in another medium.


His father “was leery of many things, but he had a profound love for his readers,” Mr. Salinger said.


“He wouldn’t want people to not be able to read his stuff.”


When it comes to releasing unpublished material, Mr. Salinger feels less ambivalent.


His father always made it clear that he intended to publish more one day, but didn’t want to deal with the media storm, he said.


“He’d say, ‘This is the year, I’m getting things together,’


and then when it came time to do it, he just couldn’t do it,” he said.


“It took too much out of him, the attention was too great.”


Mr. Salinger plans to proceed cautiously but feels the weight of his father’s legacy, the expectations that his many fans have.


A woman in her 80s wrote to him, begging him to release his father’s writing so that she can read it before she dies, he said.


It pains him to think of her, and that he might let her and other readers down by taking too long.


“That is a kind of pressure,” he said.


He thought of his father again, adding, “He would have been moved by letters like that, too.”

