欧美文化博览 希特勒的黑暗魅力—崛起的魅力(2)(在线收听

On the slopes of the Obersalzberg was Adolf Hitler's home,the Berghof.


And this is what many people thought of him.


I myself had the feeling that here was a man who did not think about himself and his own advantage,but solely about the good of the German people.


This film reveals why Hitler was so attractive to these people, with insights from those who lived through these times, many of whom were interviewed by the BBC over the last 20 years.


The man gave off such a charisma that people believed whatever he said.

那个男人散发出这样的魅力, 无论他说出什么人们都会深信不疑。

But the truth is that Hitler did not somehow hypnotise the German people, for this is a history that shows how charisma is created in a relationship.


Hitler said that those Germans he considered racially pure were better than anyone else, and many German believed him.


Hitler, always filled with hatred, managed to make a connection with millions of Germans,and in the process,this seemingly unlikely figure generated a level of charismatic attraction that is almost without parallel in history.

