
Olympic-sized profits 菲尔普斯

Multiple-gold medalist Michael Phelps talks about endorsement deals and his investment strategy.

Well, they wowed us in the water in Beijing and now they are swimming in the investment pool on Wall Street. I’m surrounded by gold, everybody, Natalie Coughlin, Brian Locke, Michael Phelps, welcome back to the U.S. and congratulations. So we won’t talk about money, now that you, all the hard work is over. Don’t cough and get choked up, Michael. I mean this is the time to strike what the iron is hot. So on the one hand you wanna take an advantage of all these endorsements and on the other hand I would imagine you wanna delude the brand. Is that your strategy?

Um, you know, I think I’ve been working a lot with my agent Peter Carlisle trying to discuss of, you know, what are some of the best options for me. You know, we gonna go with the things that really suit sort of my personality and what I want to do.

Ok, what one of those things you like to do is you like to eat a lot with eight to ten thousand calories a day?

That’s what I’m supposed to try to get.

So you gonna be like, you gonna be going working with a lot of food companies?

I guess, we’ll see, we’ll see what it works.

Well you’re with Kellogg’s right now, right?


How many boxes of cereal with that take?

8~10 thousand probably take a few boxes or few cases, so it’d be a lot of cereal.

What some of the other companies that you work with seriously you think are good fit right now?

So be perfectly honest, I’ve been, award went toward from one thing after another. Peter and I really have had a time to sit down and discuss. What he is coming, err, what I guess, what’s coming across the table and what I have mine, so when we have a free moment, we gonna sit down and discuss everything.

Can I name few companies that are supposedly associated with your name? Well, of course there is Kellogg’s, Visa, Speedo, Rosetta Stone, Pure Sport, AT & T.

I was wondering I’m going now, yes.

And they would be added to your name.

Maybe, maybe I’ll see.

What about investing for the future, we’ve talked about so much, met your mom and you know, talked a lot about all of the sacrifice growing-up. Is something like Wall Street, something that you’re even thinking about investing some of the endorsement money that you’re going to be earning right now?

I’ve, I actually had a financial advisor. I’ve been working with him for the past year, so I do have some money invested all of the places.

You wanna give us some secrets?

My secrets are my secrets, come on. I won’t let anyone else figure them around now.
