NBC晚间新闻 夏威夷徒步者被困17天后获救(在线收听

After searching for 17 days rescuers found Amanda Eller. She was badly injured with a fractured leg, burns and a skin infection. The last 17 days of my life have been the toughest days of my life. Police stop their official search for Eller after just three days. So her family along with a private rescue team began their own search. We never gave up and we you know you can't give up. On Friday rescuers run their last ten minutes of fuel when they spotted her. Troy Hummer was part of that team. Everybody was making noise and everybody was saying she is there! Amanda!

We were all getting excited and the helicopter pilot was told us to calm down, calm down. The 35 year old had hiked this three-mile trail before. But this time left her cell phone in the car. Once she got into the vegetation, if I put you down there and you get disoriented you don't know where you're going at all. It's the same. Everything looks the same. She's survived by eating berries, drinking river water, even sleeping in a wild boar den. She covered herself with ferns to stay warm. There were times of total fear and loss and wanting to give up and it did come down to life and death and I had to choose. And I chose life. Today her family and friends are celebrating just that.

