2021年经济学人 一周要闻 花旗银行错汇9亿美元难追回(在线收听

An American judge ruled that a group of creditors that mistakenly received $500m from Citigroup did not have to repay the money to the bank. The creditors are in dispute with Revlon, a cosmetics company and a client of Citi’s. The bank sent $900m to creditors last August, though it had meant to recompense them with only a small interest payment. Some $400m has been returned, but the judge found that the creditors had grounds to think the payment was intentional, as the idea that Citi could make such a blunder was “borderline irrational”. The bank is appealing against the decision.


Jaguar Land Rover laid out an ambitious plan to rebrand its Jaguar cars as all-electric by 2025. Under its new chief executive, Thierry Bolloré, the company plans to offer battery-powered versions of all its models by 2030. All three of its British factories will stay open.

捷豹路虎(Jaguar Land Rover)制定了一项雄心勃勃的计划,到2025年将其捷豹汽车更名为全电动汽车。在新任首席执行官蒂埃里·博罗雷(Thierry Bolloré)的领导下,该公司计划到2030年推出所有车型的电池驱动版本。该公司位于英国的三家工厂都还在营业。

The state of New York filed a lawsuit against Amazon, claiming it had been “deficient” in ensuring the safety of its warehouse workers during the pandemic and had not adequately disinfected its facilities. The online retailer had tried to stop the suit, arguing that workers’ safety is covered by federal, not state, law. It says it has spent $11.5bn on COVID measures. New York’s suit is the latest in a series of state challenges to the way Amazon conducts its business.


Air France-KLM reported an annual net loss of 7.1bn euros ($8.1bn). The French-Dutch airline group said the current tightening of travel restrictions in some European countries because of COVID-19 made for a challenging start to this year.

法荷航空(Air France-KLM)报告年度净亏损71亿欧元(合81亿美元)。法荷航空集团表示,由于新冠肺炎疫情,一些欧洲国家目前收紧了旅行限制,这给今年带来了挑战。

An Israeli startup that is developing 3D printers for meat undertook a successful fundraising round that will allow it to distribute its products to restaurants this year. Redefine Meat combines 3D meat modelling, food formulations and food printing to build complex-matrix “meat” on its machines, made from proteins found in legumes and grains and fat from plants. The steaks resemble the texture and taste of choice cuts of beef, but with no cholesterol. Bill Gates this week called on rich countries to switch to “100% synthetic beef” in order to lower greenhouse-gas emissions from the cattle industry.

