2021年经济学人 黑暗冬季惨剧--“美国能源之都”瘫痪(1)(在线收听

United States


A perfect storm


Light a candle for the kids


The freeze in Texas exposes America’s infrastructural failings


When it rains, it pours, and when it snows, the lights turn off. Or so it goes in Texas. After a winter storm pummelled the Lone Star State with record snowfall and the lowest temperatures in more than 30 years, millions were left without electricity and heat. At the worst moment on February 16th, 4.5m Texan households were cut off from power, as providers were overloaded with demand and tried to shuffle access to electricity so the entire grid did not collapse.

不雨则已, 一雨倾盆;不雪则已,一雪灯灭。得克萨斯州也是这样。在一场冬季暴风雪以创纪录的降雪量和30多年来最低的气温袭击了孤星州(得州别名)之后,数百万人失去了电和热。在2月16日最糟糕的时刻,450万得州家庭被切断了电力供应,因为供电商的电力需求超负荷,并试图改变供电方式,以免整个电网崩溃。

Whole skylines, including Dallas’s, went dark to conserve power. Some Texans braved the snowy roads to check into the few hotels with remaining rooms, only for the hotels’ power to go off as they arrived. Others donned skiwear and remained inside, hoping the lights and heat would come back on. Across the state, what were supposed to be “rolling” blackouts lasted for days. It is still too soon to quantify the devastation. More than 20 people have died in motor accidents, from fires lit for warmth and from carbon-monoxide poisoning after using cars to get warm. The storm has also halted deliveries of covid-19 vaccines and may prevent around 1m vaccinations from happening this week. Several retail electricity providers are likely to go bankrupt, after being hit with surging wholesale power prices.


Other states, including Tennessee, were also covered in snow, but Texas got the lion’s share and ground to a halt. Texans are rightly furious that residents of America’s energy capital cannot count on reliable power. Everyone is asking why.

