2021年经济学人 各国央行推出数字货币,中国成领跑者(2)(在线收听

Much like other central banks, the ECB wants to offer consumers digital tender that is as safe as physical cash. Unlike bank deposits, a claim on central-bank reserves carries no credit risk. Digital-currency transactions could be settled instantly on the central bank's ledger, rather than using the pipes of card networks and banks. That could provide a back-up system in the event that outages or cyber-attacks cause private payment channels to fail.


The bank also sees a digital currency as a potential tool to bolster the international role of the EURO, which makes up just 20% of central-bank reserves globally, versus the dollar's 60%. It could let foreigners settle cross-border transactions directly in central-bank money, which would be faster, cheaper and safer than directing them through a web of "correspondent" banks. That could make the digital EURO attractive to businesses and investors.


Its main draw may be to offer a level of privacy that neither America nor China can promise, says Dave Birch, a fintech expert. The former uses its financial system to enforce sanctions; the latter seeks control. But getting the design right will be tricky: the European Union still wants to be able to track cash that is being laundered or hidden to dodge taxes. One fix could be to let users open e-wallets only once they have been vetted by banks, but for the use of the digital currency itself to be unmonitored.


A wildly successful digital EURO could siphon deposits away from banks and threaten the availability of credit. Remedies being considered include capping the amount of currency users can hold or—as Fabio Panetta, a member of the ECB's executive board, suggested on February 10th— charging penalties on use above a threshold. A digital EURO could also involve "huge legal reform", says Huw van Steenis of UBS, a bank. "Settlement finality"—which governs when a payment completes and cannot be reversed—varies across the EURO zone's 19 countries, and would need to be harmonised. Launching a CBDC will take more than token efforts.

