NBC晚间新闻 美国一工厂500人新冠阳性(在线收听

I'm Blaine Alexander. In Sioux Falls South Dakota where some residents are desperate for an order to stay at home. They want to keep their family safe, they want to keep their community safe. South Dakota is among only a handful of states with no statewide mandate to shelter in place, despite the fact that COVID-19 cases here have nearly tripled in just one week. More than half traced to this one plant, the Smithfield Foods pork processing facility. Governor Christy Nome says a statewide order would not have stopped the virus because the plant is an essential business. This plant is incredibly important to our food supply in this country.

A CDC team arrived today, with more than 500 employees at the processing plant having tested positive. You'd see very crowded departments, very crowded floors. You see narrow hallways, narrow staircases. Now the plant that supplies five percent of our nation's entire pork supply is closed indefinitely. And today Smithfield announced two more closures, joining other companies taking similar measures. How different is it going to look when we go to the grocery store one week two weeks from now? I think there are, you're gonna see the signs, you know, that say you know you can only buy one pack of pork chops this today. Smithfield says it's taking new precautions to prevent future COVID-19 cases but officials fear without an order to stay at home the virus will devastate the small town. Without that order some people just don't get it.

