NBC晚间新闻 5岁小孩筹款超100万美元(在线收听

They say you can do anything if you take it one step at a time. Take little Tony Hudgell, a five-year-old double-amputee who saw 100 year-old captain Tom walking to raise money for health care workers. I said I can do that. And then fighting that. Walking more than 10 kilometers on his new prosthetics. The challenge for us to make us walk with him every day just been incredible, especially when you consider how his little life started. Brought into the hospital at just 41 days old.

Beaten so badly doctors doubted he would live. We were told he would never talk, walk, crawl, sits. But Tony never gave up and neither did his adoptive family. They had hoped to raise a few hundred dollars for Tony's Hospital. Tonight they've raised over a million and we'll keep it going until the end of June. What do we say to you? Keep trying. Like turning small steps into something so much bigger.

