NBC晚间新闻 九旬老太自制口罩做奉献(在线收听

At 17 years old May Cryer helped build warplanes to save American lives. Today at 94, her hands still work at factory speed for the very same reason. How did you get the idea to do this? Oh well, you know, it was funny i gave up my rivet gun for the sewing machine. She's making masks for the masses for about eight hours each day. The red polka dot pattern woven deep in Cryer's fabric, once herself a Rosie the Riveter. It's very rewarding that little piece of red and white polka dot stands for something.

It's a symbol for what the American women did. Cryer made a few at first for family and friends, now a thousand pending orders. Strangers across the country saluting women's service while fighting America's new war against a virus. Cryer even finds time to still mow her own grass while pushing congress to give all rosies one medal of honor for their work. I'm hoping my little mask will save one life, at least more than that hopefully. Inspired once to serve her country and now to protect it.

