
New BMW M3, boy racer gone pro

2008 edition of this high performance vehicle is faster, lighter and more elegant then ever.

Hi, I’m Sue Callaway, Car columnist of Fortune Magazine. 20 years ago, BMW thrilled the performance road with the introduction of the first M3, the E30. The company called the car a 3-series variant. But in reality it was a teenager on testosterone, a rebel with the cars, pure performance. 2 decades later, here comes the 2008 M3, the car’s grown up, it’s better educated, it’s well-rounded, it’s worldly. Purists are worried it’s gone soft. But I disagree. This is the boy racer, who’s finally gone pro.

Everything on the new M3 is purpose built, from the guerney spoiler lip on the rear deck for increase down force at high speeds, the flat flurr panel underneath for increase air dynamics. The car’s lost a lot of weight, too. Aluminum suspension parts and aluminum hood help. But the biggest piece is right here, the trick carbon fiber roof. It weighs 11 pounds less than the traditional steel roof and 45 pounds less than the steel roof with a moonroof(=a glass sunroof,1973) in it.

Let’s have a look at the heart of this beast, the engine. BMW has literally doubled the engine since the original M3, which was a four-cylinder, 195 horsepower car. Today 414 horsepower V8 with a gut engine 295 foot-pound of torque.

No amount of the data can explain just how great the new M3 is for that you have to do what it does best --drive. And then you’ll see just how far in the dust it leaves the old car.

BMW has created a more usable M3 with this latest edition, but it hasn’t lost the purity of its performance roots. Like Porsche with 911, BMW has refined and refined and refined this car over the years until it’s one step shy of perfection. Hey, the company makes a lot of great cars. But to my mind, this truly is the ultimate driving machine.



大家好,我是财富杂志汽车栏目的Sue Callaway。二十年前,宝马引进首款M3, E30,为宝马铺平了道路。该公司称这款汽车为三方向变体。实际上,这只是一个青少年不是很成熟的表现。二十年后的今天,我们迎来的2008款的M3,现在即使更加成熟,性能更高,车型非常完美。纯化论者称担心汽车会变形。但是我不赞同。这是一款男子赛车,最终会走向职业用车之路。

新款的M3轿车和旧款的跑车版还有很多相似的地方,包括带有进气口的微微鼓起来的车盖,喇叭形的前挡泥板,以及安装在行李箱外边缘的,BMW自家独有的Gurney flap。同样是抄袭,轿车版的M3装备了相同的低底盘,40系列的高性能18寸Michelin Pilot PS2轮胎,当然你也可以选配性能更佳的19寸轮胎。他们还延续了相同的合金轮毂造型配合14寸的刹车片的设计造型。




