
LPS Sweety:

LPS Sweety问道:

"What do I do to get over my fear of blood?"


(squeamish groan)


Watch Bad Blood? You know it used to be mad love.


"Man or woman up" is all I have to say. It's not gonna kill you. Just get over it. Take a deep breath. You can do it.


Come to terms that it's never going away and that your body is filled with it.


Unless it's sudden, don't think about it ahead of time because the more you think about it, the worse it is.


Nursing field. You go into the nursing field. There's blood all the time.


Eating in a hospital or something like that might help.


Google blood and how important it is, and you know like, and learn more about blood, so therefore you're not afraid of it and you actually feel more informed about it.


First look at pictures of blood, and then when you get a blood test just start looking at your blood.


Play, like, Mortal Kombat. There's a bunch of blood in that. You know, start off small. Maybe start with fake blood, like in video games. And then maybe get fake blood from a Halloween store or something, or a party store.


That's kind of tough, but you oughta go to a slaughterhouse and just hang out for a couple days. There's going to be lots of blood and after a while you're just gonna notice it just smells bad and it isn't gonna hurt you.


Isabella rodriguez asks:


"How can I convince my sister to clean her side of the room?"


This is the question I've been waiting for because it's about my sister!


Say that you're gonna tell your mom, and if she's older, just say that you're gonna break all her makeup.


Tell her I will take a picture of her dirty room, or her messy room, and show it to mom and dad.


Tell your sister to clean it up, or if she doesn't, you just force her. You do it for her or you just make her clean it up.


"Clean your side of the room or else...no ice cream, no sugar, no this, no that."


Throw everything over there, or on the slick side I would start throwing her stuff away. And eventually she's gonna miss her stuff and she's gonna learn to clean up her side of the room.


Maybe you should bribe her. (laughs)


Be like, "I'll give you $5.00 if you clean your room," and then just don't give her the five dollars. Just give her Monopoly money.

