《吸血鬼日记》第二季精讲 第1集第18期:永生的美妙之处(在线收听

Very brave of you to come here.I wanted to say good-bye.

你还真有勇气来这里 我来道个别

Leaving so soon?I know where I'm not wanted.Don't pout.

这么快就走 我知道我不受欢迎 别撅嘴

It's not attractive on a woman your age.


What, no good-bye kiss?Why don't I kill you instead?

不会吧 不吻别吗 要不我杀了你吧

What are you doing here?Nostalgia, curiosity, et. cetera.

你想干什么 怀旧 好奇等等

I'm better at the enigmatic one-liners, Katherine.What are you up to?

我就当你开了个难懂的玩笑吧 凯瑟琳 你想干什么

Trust me, Damon. When I'm up to something,You'll know it.

相信我 达蒙 我要是想干什么 你一定会知道

Come on. Kiss me.Or kill me.Which will it be, Damon?

来吧 吻我 或者杀了我 达蒙 你怎么选

We both know that you're only capable of one.

你我都知道 你只擅长于其中一种

My sweet, innocent Damon.That's more like it.

我天真可爱的达蒙 这还差不多

Wait.Brief pause.I have a question.

等下 就一下下 我有个问题

Answer it, and it's back to fireworks and rocket's red glare.

你回答了 我们就继续 翻云覆雨

Answer it right, and I'll forget the last 145 years I've spent missing you.

给我我想要的答案 我就不计较我用来思念你的那145年

I'll forget.How much I loved you. I'll forget everything and we can start over.

我会忘记 我曾有多爱你 我会忘记一切 然后我们重新开始

This can be our defining moment.Because we have time.

这一刻将决定我们的未来 因为我们有的是时间

That's the beauty of eternity.

