《吸血鬼日记》第二季精讲 第2集第2期:集中精力做事(在线收听

katherine looked just like you.It was freakish.She is my ancestor.

凯瑟琳长得和你一模一样 这太诡异了 她是我的祖先

Hey, I moved the student booth into the cafeteria.


Your vampire ancestor.And she didn't just resemble you

你的吸血鬼祖先 她并不仅仅是长得像你

Like a family member would. She was you.

就像家族成员一样 她曾经就是你

I don't--I don't know. I can't explain it.OK? It's creepy. It's all I got.

我也 我也不知道 我解释不了 行吗 是挺吓人 但我只知道这么多

Well, how do you know she's not still out there pretending to be you?


I don't, but, I could sit here and be tortured by the not knowing.

我不知道 但是 我可以坐在这 为不知情抓狂

Or I could get these prizes to the ringtoss.


Well, have you talked to Damon?Since he killed Jeremy or--or tried to kill Jeremy?

你跟达蒙谈过了吗 自从他杀了杰里米 或者说试图杀死他之后

No, Bonnie, I haven't,And I won't, and I don't wanna talk about Damon or anything else that's vampire-related, OK?

没有 邦妮 没谈 我也不会去谈 而且现在我不想谈达蒙 以及一切与吸血鬼有关的话题 好吗

Copy that.I'm human,and I have to do human stuff.Otherwise, I'm gonna go crazy.

好吧 我是人类 我得做人类要做的事情 否则我会发疯的

OK.I'm sorry. Now focus.We have to make Caroline proud,or she will kill us.

好的 抱歉 下面集中精力做事 我们得让卡罗琳感到骄傲 否则她会杀了咱俩的

I don't know how she does this all the time.Well, because she's not human, obviously.Obviously.

难以想象她都是怎么搞定这些的 因为她不是人 明显嘛 显然

It's, uh--it's the same as the bracelet Elena gave you.


So it protects me from compulsion.Vervain is toxic to vampires.

它可以保护我不被强迫 马鞭草是吸血鬼的致命杀手

You mean like poison?Yeah. It's very poisonous.It'll keep 'em out of your head.I mean, why vervain?

就像毒药一样吗 没错 毒性非常大 可以防止你思维受到控制 我是说 为什么是马鞭草

I don't know. Certain natural herbs and roots and other elements are just harmful to vampires.

我也不知道 某些药草 和一些植物根茎还有其他一些 对吸血鬼有伤害性的成分

Like a stake to the heart?Right, but it has to be wood.

就像木桩钉进心脏一样 对的 但是必须是木头的

You're pretty confident in yourself,telling me all the different ways I could kill you.

你相当自信啊 告诉我这么多可以杀你的方法
