《吸血鬼日记》第二季精讲 第2集第7期:有情感价值(在线收听

The ringtoss is out of Bart and Homer dolls and Team Jacob Ts.

投环游戏那里巴特和荷马的玩偶 还有雅各布粉丝团的T恤快没了

Ok, I can grab some from the science club.Also, we lost a speaker in the karaoke booth.

我可以到科技俱乐部去抓些 还有卡歌棚里丢了一个扬声器

Hey, it's all good, Elena. Take a beat. Look around.This is a huge success.

没事的埃琳娜 放松点 你瞧瞧 这已经很成功了

You mean, I can do more than just wreak vampire havocs?

你是说除了让吸血鬼肆虐 我还能做别的

Go figure.Hey. Uh, Carter, right?You're with the carnival.

你觉得呢 你好 是卡特对吧 你也来嘉年华帮忙了

That'd be me.Ok. Great.Wow. What you need, beautiful?

必须的 太好了 有什么需要吗 美女

Um, what do you know about karaoke speakers?


Heh. Why don't you show me the problem.Yeah, Bonnie. Show him the problem.Ok. Come on.Come on?

你得告诉我是什么问题 是啊 邦妮 你带他去看看吧 好的 走吧 走吧

What are you doing?Huh? Nothin'. Just killin' time.Waitin' for you.You lookin' for something?

你在干什么 啊 没什么 打发无聊 在等你呢 你在找什么吗

Yeah, actually.You know where I can find any family artifact stuff?The heirlooms?

是的 你知道家里的工艺品之类的放在哪里吗 传家宝什么的

You blow through your trust fund already?I did that when I was 22.

你的信托基金受挫了吗 我22岁的时候就卖掉了

Nah. I'm just lookin' for this old piece of my mom's.

没有啦 我只是想找找我妈妈的遗物

My dad gave it to her when they got married.Has sentimental value.

结婚时我爸送给她的 对我有情感价值

Probably passed down to your dad.Should still be in the house here somewhere.

可能后来传给你爸爸了 应该还在这屋里某个角落
