
Joshua Drury wants to know...


"How can I tell my girlfriend I'm moving away and I might not see her again?"


Aw, that's sad.


You have to say it however you want. I can't tell you.


Tell her. But then say, "I might see you again, but I might not."


You're still calling her your girlfriend, so perhaps you could make plans to reconnect later.


You got to ease into it. Get her flowers, chocolates, a stuffed animal, 'cause she's gonna want to hit something.


"It's my fault, not your fault. You are great. I am the stupid."


"I'm gonna move away, and I'll miss you. But maybe on vacations, I'll see you soon."


There is no way around it. You just got to tell her. Especially if it's bad news, I think it's better just to tell someone.


You just have to tell her the truth. You can't try and change it or anything. You have to be honest with her.


Man up to it. Say, "Honey, I'm leaving the trail, I ain't comin' back, and I hope you'll remember me."


Tell her that you're moving. It's not that big of a deal. You can find another one wherever you're moving to.


Best way to deliver bad news is direct. Tell her, "I'm moving away. I might not see you again. But I love you," 'cause that always works with the ladies.


Break it off with her in general, because if you might not see her again, there's no point in keeping the tie as a relationship.


I would just say, "I'm gonna be sick for a very long time, probably won't come back," and then you just move. If she says, "Did you move away?" you say, "Yes." And then, when you're in the new state, you never get another girlfriend, 'cause if she finds you and you're with another one, a conversation will happen.

