2021年CRI 近代现代(在线收听

China has urged the U.S. to break the Iran nuclear deadlock by returning to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.

A Chinese government spokesperson also says the country supports the IAEA and Iran to handle issues through dialogue and consultation.

Meanwhile, top diplomats from European powers and the United States have held talks to see how to revive the 2015 deal on Iran's nuclear drive, days ahead of a deadline set by Tehran that could hinder the efforts by limiting inspections.

The director of the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says the continent must bridge a "gap" in vaccine supply not provided by the global COVAX initiative.

John Nkengasong made the remarks in a virtual African Union meeting.

"Vaccinating a country at the level of 20% or 25% will not get the pandemic out of their country, there is absolutely no way that will happen. We need to strike at higher levels of about at least 60 to 70% vaccination; that is why we set a continental target at 60%."

The first million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine for COVID-19 are expected to arrive in Africa next week for distribution in 20 countries.

Zimbabwe has kicked off its coronavirus vaccination campaign.

This comes two days after it received its first batch of COVID-19 vaccines donated by China.

Gao Junya has details.

At Harare's Wilkins Hospital, one the designated facilities for treating COVID-19 patients, Zimbabwean Vice President Constantino Chiwenga became the first Zimbabwean to receive the Sinopharm vaccine.

Chiwenga, who also heads Zimbabwe's Ministry of Health, says scientific research conducted by his ministry has shown that the Sinopharm vaccine has high efficacy.

"My presence here today, with some Ministry of Health officials, is to exhibit the government's confidence in the Sinopharm vaccine. I have received my COVID-19 jab, together with my deputy minister and my staff. Therefore, I urge all Zimbabweans to be vaccinated at their nearest health centers."

The 200-thousand doses will go to frontline workers, including health workers, immigration officers, revenue officers, and security officers.

Trinidad and Tobago has called on the World Health Organization to ensure fair sharing of coronavirus vaccines.

Prime Minister Keith Rowley says the WHO should convene a global convention where leaders must commit to making vaccines available to people everywhere.

"As there is the understandable rush to receive the vaccines and inoculation of our various populations, we are more than a little bit concerned that there is or is to be hoarding and price gouging as well as undue preference in some quarters."

WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus says the UN health agency will issue a new declaration today calling for global equity in vaccine distribution.

French health Minister Olivier Veran says it's too soon to relax the country's coronavirus containment measures as infections remain high.

He announces that the isolation period for people who test positive will be increased from seven to 10 days starting Monday in an effort to contain new coronavirus variants.

A technical glitch has forced Belgium's biggest vaccination center to close just hours after it opened.

The center officially opened on Tuesday but was shut on Wednesday.

Emin Luka is the chief operating officer of the exhibition center housing the facility.

"We opened the center on Tuesday, yesterday we were closed. Today we opened at 2 o'clock and for the moment we are very happy, the flow is very good."

The center is built to give 4,000-5,000 jabs a day and will eventually be open 12 hours a day, seven days a week.

























