《吸血鬼日记》第二季精讲 第3集第6期:太有才华(在线收听

Bonnie, you're supposed to be my friend.I can't ignore what happened. OK?

邦妮 你应该是我的朋友 我无法忽略之前的事 懂吗

If you want to be friends, you're going to have to prove that the Caroline I remember isn't gone.

如果你想继续做朋友 就必须向我证明 我记忆中的卡罗琳没有消失

Now, put the ring on the bed.

现在 把戒指放在床上

Do you really think I meant to kill that guy at the carnival.He's still dead.

你真以为嘉年华会那天 我是有意杀人的吗 反正他是死了

Now, do you want me to cast the spell or not?


All done.So, that's it?I mean, nothing witchy happened.

成了 这就成了 什么巫术的迹象都没有

You know, no flickering lights, no gust of wind.

没有闪烁的光 也没有突然起风

Have you even done this before? Caroline.Well, I just want to make sure it worked!

你以前施过咒吗 卡罗琳 我只想确认咒语生效了

It worked.What if it hadn't, Bonnie?!She's all yours.

生效了 要是没生效怎么办 邦妮 她交给你了

So Isobel was officially employed by the anthropology department,given that most paranormal phenomena is rooted in folklore.

伊泽贝尔是人类学学院的正式员工 因为大多数超自然现象都来源于民俗传说

Excuse me. Hi, I'm Alaric Saltzman.I called earlier.Yes.

打扰一下 你好 我是阿拉里克·萨尔茨曼 我之前打过电话 对

Of course.I'm Vanessa Monroe, research assistant comparative folklore.

是的 我是瓦内萨·门罗 助理研究员 研究比较民俗学的

Uh, let me just grab Isobel's keys.I'm sorry. These are my friends Elena and Damon.

我这就去拿伊泽贝尔的钥匙 不好意思 这是我朋友 埃琳娜和达蒙

I hope this isn't too much of an imposition.


Please. Isobel's office is right through there.

别客气 伊泽贝尔的办公室就在那边

Isobel was one of my first professors.I'm a grad student. She was brilliant.

伊泽贝尔是最初教我的几个教授之一 我是个研究生 她太有才华了

One of the reasons I went into folklore.

