《吸血鬼日记》第二季精讲 第4集第5期:重入爱河(在线收听

Then...it won't be long before the founders draw up an investigation.

所以 创始人协会很快就会展开调查了

We'll leave town immediately. I'll tell the others.

我们得马上离开镇子 我去通知其他人

Relax, Henry.This is town is our home,and the vampires are my family.

放松 亨利 这镇子是我们的家 这里的吸血鬼都是我的家人

I won't let anything happen to us.


From the moment I met George,I knew he'd be a problem.

当初一见到乔治 我就知道他是个麻烦

So, you're saying that all the Lockwoods are werewolves?

你是说 洛克伍德家都是狼人

The werewolf gene runs in the Lockwood family.Not that they're all wolves.

洛克伍德家族一直留着狼人的血 但并不意味着他们都能变成狼

How many other werewolves are out there?


I mean, is it just... limited to the Lockwoods?

我是说 只有洛克伍德家族吗

No. There are others. Not many.They're practically extinct.They mainly exist now in books and really bad movies.

不止 还有别的 但不多 他们几乎灭绝了 现在基本只存在于小说和烂片里

My turn to ask a question.Why did you keep this picture?

该我问问题了 你为什么会留着这张照片

Why not burn it? Tear it up?You wanna know why I came back?

为什么不烧了它 撕了它 你想知道我为什么回来吗

Well, I have a better question.Why did you?For Elena?No.

我还想问你呢 你又是为什么 为了埃琳娜吗 不

You came back here to fall in love with me all over again, didn't you?

你回来是为了 和我重入爱河 不是吗
