托福听力荟萃 14(在线收听

Good afternoon. I'm here today to talk to you about a career with our______. We're especially interested in_______people to fill______for flight_______. First of all, to work as a flight attendant with us, you must be accepted into our training program and with so many people applying, it's not easy to be selected. From the thousands of applications that we receive annually, we choose fewer than a thousand people for training. So, we require experience serving the public; and it also helps if you've earned some college credits. Also, not everybody who gets accepted into the training program makes it through. The course meets six days a week for five weeks. The training includes______classroom work in such subjects as first aid and passenger psychology as well as practical training in flight_______and meal service. A lot of our______say that our flight attendants develop the skills of a nurse, a_______, and a public relations_______! But, as a flight attendant myself, I can say that all of the hard work is worth it. Of course, I get to travel throughout the country, and the airline pays all of my expenses while I'm away from my base station. And, what I like best of all is that I've made friends with people from all over the country!




airline: n. [C]a business that runs a regular service to take passengers and goods to different places by plane 航空公司

recruit: v. to find new people to work in a company, join an organization, do a job etc 招聘,吸收(新成员)

opening: n. [C]a job or position that is available 空缺(职位),空额

attendant: n. [C]someone whose job is to look after or help customers in a public service 服务员

extensive: adj. containing or dealing with a lot of information and details 广泛的,全面的

procedure: n.[C]the correct or normal way of doing something(正确的或通常做事的)步骤,手续

graduate: n. [C]AmEsomeone who has completed a course at a college, school etc 【美】毕业生

headwaiter: n. [C]the waiter who is in charge of the other waiters in a restaurant (餐馆的)服务员领班

executive: n. [C]someone who has an important job as a manager in a company or business(公司或商业机构中的)主管,行政领导,经理


Good afternoon. I'm here today to talk to you about a career with our airline. We're especially interested in recruiting people to fill openings for flight attendants.

First of all, to work as a flight attendant with us, you must be accepted into our training program --- and with so many people applying, it's not easy to be selected. From the thousands of applications that we receive annually, we choose fewer than a thousand people for training. So, we require experience serving the public; and it also helps if you've earned some college credits. Also, not everybody who gets accepted into the training program makes it through.

The course meets six days a week for five weeks. The training includes extensive classroom work in such subjects as first aid and passenger psychology as well as practical training in flight procedures and meal service. A lot of our graduates say that our fight attendants develop the skills of a nurse, a headwaiter, and a public relations executive!

But, as a flight attendant myself, I can say that all of the hard work is worth it. Of course, I get to travel throughout the country, and the airline pays all of my expenses while I'm away from my base station. And, what I like best of all is that I've made friends with people from all over the country!
