一生必知英语话题背诵 43网购的起源(在线收听

For some people, shopping online has become a part of the norm(准则). For others, the prospect of making Internet purchases is a scary one. However, since the early 1990s, online shopping has emerged into(出现) every corner of life.


In 1990, Tim Berners Lee created the World Wide Web Browser. Charles Stack created the first online book store in 1992, two years before Jeff Bezos began Amazon. Other advances took place in 1994 such as Online Banking. After that, the next big development was the opening of an online pizza shop by Pizza Hut. During that same year, Netscape introduced SSL encryption (加密) to enable encryption over the data transferred online, which has become essential for online shopping. In 1995, Amazon expanded its online shopping, and in 1996, eBay opened up for online shopping as well. From then on, online shopping becomes more and more popular.

Tim Berners Lee于1990年创建了万维网浏览器。Charles Stack在1992年创建了第一个网上书店,比Jeff Bezos创建的亚马逊早了两年。网上银行也在1994年得以实现。在那之后,一个较大的飞跃便是必胜客网上比萨店的开业。也是在同一年里,美国Netscape公司引进了SSL加密术对网络的数据交换过程进行加密。这为网络购物的实现打下了技术基础。1995年,亚马逊扩大了其网上店铺,并且在1996年,易趣网也开始了其网上购物业务。从那以后,网购就越来越流行了。
