《吸血鬼日记》第二季精讲 第4集第18期:绑架最好的朋友(在线收听

Care to share how you couldn't follow through with one simple task?

想说说你怎么会 连一个简单的任务都完不成吗

I tried, ok?But I couldn't exactly kidnap my best friend.

我试了 但我总不能绑架我最好的朋友吧

Occupy her. That's all I asked.

我只要你分散她的注意力 让她别来找斯特凡

I told her that her relationship was doomed.


And all that mortality stuff.


I think I,I I really think that I got to her.I hope so.

我觉得 我 我真的以为我控制她了 希望如此

Because let's not forget. I already killed you once.

别忘了 我已经杀过你一次了

I can easily do it again.


How was that barbecue?Not great. You still pissed?

烧烤派对玩的开心吗 不好 你还在生气吗

You still keeping secrets?Yep.Then I'm still pissed.

你还是不肯说出秘密吗 是的 那我就还在生气

Hey, you know, I was thinking about that stone you're looking for.

嘿 我一直在想 你要找的那块石头

I might know a couple places it could be.

我知道一些地方 也许能找到

Do you think this is a joke?If you know where it is then tell me.

你觉得这是儿戏吗 你要是知道在哪儿就告诉我

Tell me how the curse is triggered.


If I tell you, you won't be able to think about anything else.I don't want that for you.

如果我说了 你就会一心只想激活它 我不想你变成那样

I think I can handle knowing.Yeah. You think you can handle it, tough guy?

我觉得我能控制自己 你觉得你能控制吗 硬汉

You have no idea!Do you want your stupid rock or not?!

你完全没有概念 你还想不想要你那块破石头了

Tell me where it is.Tell me what triggers the curse.You have to kill somebody.

告诉我它在哪儿 告诉我怎么激活诅咒 你得去杀人

Human blood.You take a person's life away from them,Then the curse is yours forever.Can you handle that?

需要人血 你要为此夺取一个人的生命 然后你就永远被诅咒了 你能控制吗
