
This is VOA News. Reporting by remote, I'm David Byrd. President Biden has announced new steps to encourage COVID-19 vaccinations, including tax credits for employers who give workers paid time off to get their shot. AP's Sagar Meghani has details. More than half of American adults are now at least partially vaccinated and the president's celebrating reaching his latest goal of 200 million shots administered in his first 100 days.Demand for shots is now a bigger issue than supply. The president says the nation's in a new phase of the vaccination effort that relies on encouraging people to be vaccinated. "... until you are fully vaccinated, you are still vulnerable. The vaccine can save your life." Federal health officials have released another study showing breakthrough infections in fully vaccinated people are uncommon. In this case, about one infection for every 670 people in dozens of Chicago nursing facilities. Other studies suggest the breakthrough rate is significantly lower. Sagar Meghani, Washington.

欢迎收听美国之音新闻。我是大卫·伯德,为您远程报道。拜登总统宣布了鼓励新冠疫苗接种的新措施,包括为给接种疫苗的打工人提供带薪休假的雇主减税。请听美联社记者萨加尔·梅加尼带来详细报道。超过半数的美国成年目前人至少已经接种了部分疫苗,拜登总统庆祝在上任头100天内完成注射2亿剂疫苗的最新目标。现在,接种需求比疫苗供应更重要。拜登总统说,美国正处于一个新的疫苗接种阶段,这一阶段依赖于鼓励人们接种疫苗。"... 在完全接种疫苗之前,你们仍然易感染。疫苗能救你们的命。”联邦卫生官员发布的另一项研究显示,在完全接种疫苗的人群中,突破性感染并不常见。在这种情况下,在芝加哥几十家护理机构中,每670人中只有一例感染。其他研究表明,突破性感染率明显降低。萨加尔·梅加尼,华盛顿报道。

An inspection by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration found problems at a factory manufacturing the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. AP's Shelley Adler reports. The Baltimore factory that had a contract to make Johnson & Johnson's COVID-19 vaccine was dirty, did not follow proper manufacturing procedures and had poorly trained staff. The result, said U.S. regulators, contamination of material that was going to be put in the shots. The Food and Drug Administration released a statement and a 13-page report detailing the findings from its recent inspection of the now-idle Emergent Biosciences factory. Both Emergent and J&J say they are working to fix the problems as quickly as possible. That vaccine is on hold right now due to very rare blood clots. I'm Shelley Adler. Find more at our website voanews.com. This is VOA News. 

