《丑女贝蒂》精讲 107生日快乐(在线收听

Where is she off to club a seal

她要去哪 打海豹吗

Whatever. She's gone. It gives me time to deal with Suarez.

不关我事 反正走了 这样我就有机会搞定Suarez

Apparently she's got some huge story that's gonna save her ass at Mode.


She has a meeting with a mysterious "he" at 4:00.


Ooh. What's the story?

噢 什么故事

Doesn't matter. I'm not gonna let her get it.

无所谓 我不会让她得逞

And if young betty doesn't get something in soon, her job is as good as mine.

小Betty再不搞出点花样 她恐怕又要被贬回助理

Young betty? You mean 'cause you're older than her?

小Betty 因为你比她老

Okay,why don't you just kick me? Kick me in the special parts.


No more birthday, got it? None. Happy birthday!

不许再提生日的事了 听到没 生日快乐

Oh, my gosh. h-how would you know?

噢 上帝 你怎么知道的?

I did office birthdays the whole time I was an assistant.

我当助理时 生日会都是我处理

But now that that's your job, I thought I would do one more


because I knew you would never get yourself a cake.


You get me. You really get me.

还是你了解我 真是败给你了

To be honest, I almost forgot just because had a terrible morning.

老实说 我差点忘了 早上不顺利

But now I think it's gonna be a great day and I hope it's gonna be great for you too.

但现在都好了 希望你也度过愉快的一天 Marc

Marc. Make a wish.

