《再次出发之纽约遇见你》精讲 07搬入新公寓(在线收听

Hi! Dave? Yes.

你好 戴夫吗 是的

Hi. I'm Jill. I work in hospitality at the label.

我是吉尔 唱片公司接待部的

Nice to meet you. Hello. Nice to meet you.I got it.You're welcome.

很高兴见到你 你好 幸会幸会 不客气

Right this way. Thank you, Marco.

这边来 谢谢 马可

I think you're really gonna like the apartment.It's very high-end

你们一定会很喜欢那公寓 非常高档

Hey, I... I'm sorry. Are you, um... You're Dave Kohl.

抱歉 你是 你是戴夫?科尔

Yes. Yeah. Yeah, I told you guys.

我是 我就说嘛

We just, um... we saw your film the other day.I so love your songs in it.

我们 我们那天看了你的电影 我太爱里面的歌了

Thank you very, very much. This is Gretta, my girlfriend.She writes songs, too. Oh, cool.

谢谢 这是我女朋友 格蕾塔 她也写歌 真棒

Oh, would you mind taking a photograph.That'd be so awesome.Just that button right there. Yeah.

可以帮我们拍个照吗 非常感谢 按这个按钮就好了

Yeah, it's a good one.


Thank you!All right, thank you. Thank you so much, you guys.

谢谢 谢谢 非常谢谢你们

You're gonna have to get used to that.This movie is selling out all over town.It's crazy.

你要开始习惯当明星了 你的电影特别卖座 太疯狂了

Unbelievable.Oh, no, it's real.

难以置信 是真的哦

All right, here we are. We hope you like.

到了 希望你们喜欢

So, uh, your fridge in here is stocked with food.


There are two sets of keys on the table in there.


This is your driver's number and my cell phone number. I'll leave that here.

这是你们司机的号码还有我的号码 我就放这

You're due at the label later this afternoon to meet everyone and say hi,then we'll take a tour around the studio.

下午带你们去公司 跟大家见下面打个招呼 然后去参观下录音室

So, probably want to catch up on your sleep before then.


So I'll leave you to it, OK?


Pleased to meet you, Gretta.

很高兴见到你 格蕾塔

Nice to meet you, too. Thanks.

很高兴见到你 谢谢

This place is a shit hole.


Oh my God! Come here.

天啊 过来

Hey, can...Can I ask you something? Sure.

可以...可以问你个问题吗 当然

Should I have come over in, like, a week or two and let you settle in first and get used to everything?

这一两个星期 我要不要先让你适应一下 再住进来

No. Are you sure?

不用 你确定

Yeah. I don't know if I could do this without you.


It's kind of scary.


Am I a wimp for saying that?

