《吸血鬼日记》第二季精讲 第10集第8期:知道的太多(在线收听

It looks like whoever blew up the coffee shop found him and killed him for his information.

看来是炸毁咖啡店的那个人 找到了他 杀人灭口了

Yeah, probably to stop him from helping people like us.

对 很可能就是为了阻止他帮助我们这样的人

The guy was a vampire almanac. Knowing too much information just bit him in the ass.

他是本吸血鬼历史 知道的太多了 终究惹来杀身之祸

What are you Tempered glass.U.V. Rays can't penetrate.

你干什么 钢化玻璃 紫外线无法穿透

I used to just come here and watch the day.

我以前常过来 看看阳光

I'm sorry about Slater.Any luck?

斯莱特的事 我很遗憾 有发现吗

It's password protected, I can't get in.

密码保护 我进不去

No, this is fine. Let's just go.Stay here.

没事 我们走吧 待在这儿

Alice?Rose!He's dead!This belonged to Katherine.

爱丽丝 罗斯 他死了 这是凯瑟琳的

Found it with her things after I thought she was dead,but it was hers.

我以为她死了的时候 从她的东西里找出来的 但确实是她的东西

What will this do?I can turn the metal to ash.

这有什么作用 我能将金属化成灰烬

Blow the ashes on her,and it'll incapacitate her for a minute or two.

将这些灰撒在她身上 就能让她短时间内动弹不得

Long enough for you to get the stone and get out.

