美联社新闻一分钟 AP 以色列空袭加沙地带致数百人伤亡(在线收听

This is AP News Minute.


Israel launched new airstrikes on Gaza early Tuesday, after Palestinians fired rockets at Israel.


Gaza health officials say at least 24 Palestinians were killed. The fighting follows clashes between Palestinians and Israeli police in Jerusalem.


A major US fuel pipeline operator says it hopes to have services restored by the end of the week.


Colonial Pipeline, which delivers almost half of the fuel consumed on the East Coast, was hit by a ransomware cyberattack last week.

科洛尼尔管道公司(Colonial Pipeline)供应着美国东海岸近一半的燃油,该公司上周遭遇了一次勒索软件网络攻击。

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has set a vote for Wednesday on removing Congresswoman Liz Cheney from her Republican leadership post.

众议院少数党领袖凯文·麦卡锡(Kevin McCarthy)于周三进行投票,决定解除国会女议员利兹·切尼(Liz Cheney)的共和党领导人职务。

Cheney has repeatedly criticized former President Trump's false claims that widespread fraud cost him the 2020 election.


Lafayette Square, across the street from the White House, has reopened to the public.


It was closed nearly a year ago after Park Police cleared out protesters.

