2021年经济学人 中国疫苗"入世" 缓解全球疫苗短缺(在线收听

Britain’s Labour Party lost Hartlepool in a by-election, a constituency it had held since its creation in 1974. A huge swing gave the Conservatives 52% of the vote, nearly twice that of Labour; sitting governments have won by-elections only a handful of times. Labour’s leader, Sir Keir Starmer, came under more pressure when the party lost many seats in council elections. Labour’s candidate in Hartlepool said voters did not know what the party now stood for.

英国工党在递补选举中失去了哈特尔普尔选区,该选区自1974年成立以来一直是工党的选区。保守党获得了52%的选票,几乎是工党的两倍;现任政府只赢得过几次递补选举。当工党在议会选举中失去许多席位时,其领袖基尔·斯塔默爵士(Sir Keir Starmer)面临着巨大的压力。哈特尔普尔的工党候选人称,选民们不知道该党现在代表着什么。

At a summit meeting in Portugal, EU leaders rejected proposals by Joe Biden to waive COVID-19 vaccine patents as a way to increase the supply of the drugs. They argued that it would be more helpful if America were to relax its restrictions on the export of vaccines.


Seven children and two adults were killed in a shooting at a school in the Russian city of Kazan; 23 others, most of them children, were injured. President Vladimir Putin said he would review the country's gun-control laws. The assailant was a former pupil.


A car bomb outside a girls' school in Kabul killed at least 85 people, mostly pupils. The Taliban denied responsibility. The attack, which occurred in a part of the city that is home to the Hazara ethnic minority, has intensified concerns that the American withdrawal from Afghanistan in September will be followed by greater violence against women and minorities. Meanwhile the Taliban seized control of a district near Kabul, the second in a week.


India’s COVID crisis continued to engulf the country, spreading into the rural hinterland and spilling over the country’s borders. Daily recorded infections in Nepal have jumped by a factor of 25 in the past month and one in every two tests returns a positive result, twice India’s already high rate, suggesting many cases are going undetected. Infections are also rising across South-East Asia, testing the capacity of health systems.


Coronavirus briefs


The United States reported its lowest number of new daily cases since June. Just over 22,200 cases were recorded on May 10th, down from a peak of more than 312,000 in early January. Daily deaths fell to 280 on May 9th; in January they peaked at over 4,000.


America’s Food and Drug Administration approved the use of the Pfizer vaccine in children aged 12 to 15.


The World Health Organisation recommended the use of the Sinopharm vaccine, the first vaccine from China ever to be endorsed by the global body. Produced by a state-owned company, it will be added to the covax programme providing doses to poor countries.

