雅思场景听写训练 第26期:饮食与健康(3)(在线收听

MRS. SMITH: Hello, Mrs. Sutton. Come in. How are you settling in next door? Have all your things from Canada arrived yet? I thought I saw a removals van outside your house yesterday afternoon.

MRS. SUTTON: Yes. They came yesterday. We spend all day yesterday arranging them. It's beginning to feel a bit more like home now.

MRS SMITH: That's good. Look, come in and sit down. Are you alright? You look a bit worried.

MRS. SUTTON: Well, I am a bit. I'm sorry to bother you so early, Mrs. Smith, but I wonder if you could help me. Could you tell me how I can get hold of a doctor? Our daughter, Anna, isn't very well this morning and I may have to call somebody out. She keeps being sick and I am beginning to get a bit worried. I just don't know how the health system works here in England. All I know is that it's very different from ours back in Canada.

MRS. SMITH: Well, I don't know really where to start. Let me think. Well, the first thing you have to do is find a family doctor—sometimes we call them general practitioners as well—and register with him or her. If you live here, you've got to be on a doctor's list. If you're not, things can be a bit difficult. Nobody will come out to you if you're not registered. Anyway, they work in things called practices. Sort of small groups of family doctors all working together in the same building. Now what you've gotta do this morning is register with one of them.
