《丑女贝蒂》精讲 208双份惊喜(在线收听

Cute, right? Yeah. And I have one more surprise for you.

可爱吧 是啊 而且我还有一个惊喜给你

Something extra special.No. Yes. Is this...

特别不一样的东西 不是吧 是的

The bendy straw that Shakira actually used To sip her iced tea!

这是Shakira真的用过 她喝冰茶的吸管

Oh my god! You're back!

哦 天啊 你回来了

Tell me everything even if you have to make something up.

就算得编 你也要告诉我旅行趣事

I will,but first you have a surprise in there.

我会的 但首先你在那边有个惊喜

I made a big mistake. Archie.

我犯了个大错 Archie

We should've gone to the Bahamas.


I get so stupid sometimes with my priorities.

有时候我会傻傻的 搞不清什么最重要

Yeah. Anyway... Look, I know one little dinner is not gonna make up for it,

是啊 不管怎么说 看 我知道 一顿小小的晚餐不能补偿你的遗憾

But I,um,I hope we get another chance to go someday.

但 我 嗯 我希望哪天 我们还能另有机会能去
