《丑女贝蒂》精讲 224我有权报道我想报道的事情(在线收听

I finished Audrey Hepburn's biography last night, and it totally inspired me.

昨晚 读完了奥黛丽.赫本的传记 让我灵感狂涌啊

Audrey Hepburn's, she's so boring.I hated Breakfast at Tiffany's.

奥黛丽.赫本 她超无聊的 我恨《蒂凡尼的早餐》

But if you tell one gay person I said that, I will deny it. I will.

如果你敢告诉别的同志我说了这话 我矢口否认啊 必须的

I promise.


Anyway, Audrey basically gave up her stardom to go and do good in the world, and it made me think.

奥黛丽基本放弃了她的演员身份 在世间行善 就让我沉思啊

I'm an editor now. Really?

我现在是编辑啦 是么

And I'm finally in a position to tell stories like that stories about people who do inspiring and selfless things.

我终于能以我视角 讲述类似的故事 那些做着激励人心和无私善事人的故事

Well, here's your next assignment from the powers that be.


Inspiring? The most comfortable stiletto?

激励人心吧 最舒适的细高跟

Betty Suarez, keeping the dream alive for hookers with hammertoe.

Betty Suarez 为那些生槌状趾的妓女们维持一把希望吧
