美联社新闻一分钟 AP 美国南部多车相撞事故致8名儿童死亡(在线收听

This is AP News Minute.


Eight children in a van from a home for abused or neglected children are among the dead after a multi-vehicle pile-up in southern Alabama. A county coroner says Saturday's crash probably happened when vehicles hydroplaned during flooding from Tropical Storm Claudette.


Flooding and severe weather damage from the tropical storm are reported across Alabama. The storm was moving north along the Carolina coastline on Monday morning.


Long lines of people are waiting for coronavirus vaccinations outside British soccer stadiums. Four fifths of adults in the UK have had at least one vaccination shot.


The US Navy says the aircraft carrier Gerald R. Ford completed a set of Full Ship Shock Trials in the Atlantic Ocean. Explosives were set off to test if the ship can handle the stress that it would face under battle conditions.

