《爱丽丝梦游仙境》精讲 03爱丽丝与母亲叙旧(在线收听

Your letters were so infrequent.I hardly know where you've been all this time.

你写给我的信太少了 我简直搞不清你前后都去过哪里

Mother, China's incredible. We followed the yangtze deep into the interior. Most of the people had never seen a person with yellow hair before.

母亲 中国真不可思议 我们顺着长江一直深入到内陆, 那里大多数人从没见过黄头发的人

Were you never afraid?


Of course.But, when I was, I thought of father.

当然怕 但是一想到父亲就不怕了

You sound just like him.


I miss him.


I do, too.But the years pass quickly for me now. Time is a cruel master.

我也想 只是这时间过得好快 时间真是太残酷了

Time is a thief. And a villain.

时间是小偷 还是恶棍

I hear the ascots are marking Hamish's succession tonight.


Perfect. We should go.

太好了 我们可得去

I'm afraid the invitation must have been lost in the post.


Nonsense. Lady ascot once said we would always be welcome.Besides, I have a proposition for Hamish.

才不是呢 艾斯科夫人以前说过 永远欢迎我们 况且我还要给海密仕提个建议

Hamish married last year, Alice. He seems to have got over your public rejection.

海密仕去年结婚了 爱丽丝 你当众拒婚的事 好像已经过去了

A business proposition, mother.

我要提的是商业建议 母亲

You're leaving again? So soon? There are matters here which might benefit from your attention.

你又要离开家 这么快吗 家里有些事情你要是能操一下心 说不定更有用

After my next voyage... You won't have to worry about anything.

等我完成下一次航行 你就什么都不用担心了

Am I permitted to worry about tonight?

