《爱丽丝梦游仙境》精讲 05爱丽丝遭拒(在线收听

Apologies for the intrusion, lord ascot... But I've come to give my report.

冒昧前来打扰 请男爵见谅 我来是为了陈述情况

Of course. Follow me, miss kingsleigh.

好的 随我来 金斯利小姐

Gentlemen, might I introduce miss Alice kingsleigh. Miss kingsleigh, the board.

先生们 请容我介绍 爱丽丝·金斯利小姐 金斯利小姐 这是董事会

Good evening, gentlemen.The world has opened to us, but we must move quickly.It is my belief that further expeditions along the wu river...

晚上好 先生们 世界已敞开怀抱 我们必须抓紧行动 所以我相信 如果我们进一步探索乌江和马来

I'm sorry, miss kingsleigh.There will be no further expeditions.

对不起 金斯利小姐 不会再有什么进一步的探索了



Now, there is a position in our clerking office.You will start in files... But in time...

目前我们的办事处还有一个职位适合你 不过你得先从管理文件做起 但要及早

This isn't about China, is it? It's because I turned you down when you asked me to marry you.

这和中国无关 对吗 你这样做无非是因为当初我拒绝了你的求婚

I am sorry, miss kingsleigh, but this is all that we can do for you.No other company is in the business of hiring female clerks.Let alone ship's captains.

我很抱歉 金斯利小姐 我们能为你做的就这么多了 这一行再没有别的公司会雇佣女性文员了 更别说是女船长了
