《爱丽丝梦游仙境》精讲 33语无伦次的时间(在线收听

Your majesty. Nice to meet you, sir.

我的陛下 见到您很荣幸 先生

I seek a thief of meager intellect.Her hair... Yes? Yellowish.Her name... Alice.

我在找一个女小偷 这个家伙有点笨 她的头发 请说 金黄色 她的名字 爱丽丝

And what is your business with her?


She took something from me. I will not say what it was. It's not important. It is a trifle. I don't see why you are making such a fuss. It is as nothing. I must have it back. But not that I'm concerned. As soon as possible. Either way, I'm fine with the outcome. Give it to me. Who knows about it?

她拿了我一样东西 是什么东西我就不说了 因为它并不重要 小事一桩 真搞不懂你们干嘛要大惊小怪的 鸡毛蒜皮罢了 我一定要把它夺回来 但拿不回来也没关系 越快越好 不管怎么样 其实我都无所谓 把他还给我 谁知道他的下落

Well, you are in luck, oh, timely one.Because just today... I invited Alice to tea.

那你真是太走运了 真及时 因为就在今天 我邀请爱丽丝来喝茶

Wait. What's an Alice? Shush!

等等 谁是爱丽丝

Why don't you have a seat... And we can wait together.

您要不要坐下说 我们一起来等她 对啊

There's no room at the table. No room. No room.

这一桌没位置了 没位置 没位置

Plenty of room. Plenty of room. Tea for our guest. Tea time!

有好多位置 有好多位置 请客人喝茶 喝茶
