《权力的游戏》精讲 第4集:废物(8)(在线收听

And they can kill.


Anyone or anything that tries to hurt them gets burned away to nothing

一切胆敢同它们为敌的东西 一切都会被它们的火焰融化

Like so many candles.




Yes. Seeing a dragon would make me very happy.

是的. 看见一条飞龙 会令我非常快乐.

Well, after 15 years in a pleasure house,

嗯, 在窑子里呆了十五年,

I imagine just seeing the sky makes you happy.


I was not locked in. I have seen things.

我可没被关起来. 我见得多了.

What have you seen? I've seen

你见过什么? 我见过

A man from Asshai with a dagger of real dragonglass.

一个来自亚夏的人, 带着一把真正的龙晶匕首.

Ooh. I've seen a man who could change his face the way that other men change their clothes.

哦. 我过一个人能够 改变脸的样貌, 就象其他人换衣服一样容易.

And I've seen a pirate who wore his weight in gold and whose ship had sails of colored silk.

我还见过一个海盗, 拥有无数黄金 他的船帆都是用彩色的丝绸制成.

So have you seen one?

那么 你见过那个吗?

A pirate ship? A dragon.

海盗船? 龙.

No. No, the last one died many years before I was born.

没有. 没有, 最后一条龙在我出生前许多年就已经死了.

I'll tell you what I have seen:


Their skulls.


They used to decorate the throne room in the Red Keep.


When I was very young, just three or four, my father used to walk me down the rows

那时我还很小, 只有三四岁, 我父亲曾带我走过成排的龙骨

and I'd recite their names for him.


When I got them all right, he'd give me a sweet.

如果我全说对了, 他会给我一块糖.

The ones closest to the door were the last ones they were able to hatch and they were all stunted and wrong.

最靠近大门的头骨属于最后一条成功孵化的龙 因为方法错误而发育不全.

Skulls no bigger than dog skulls.

