《权力的游戏》精讲 第4集:废物(17)(在线收听

...Two, three,

...二, 三,

four, five,

四, 五,

six, seven,

六, 七,

eight, nine-Ser Hugh?

八, 九-修夫爵士?

30, 31, 32

三十, 一, 二

Ser Hugh! As you can see, I'm busy.

修夫爵士! 你看到了, 我正忙着呢.

I'm here on behalf of Lord Eddard Stark,


the Hand of the King.


I'm the Captain of his guard.


I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name, Ser...

抱歉, 我不知道你的名字, 爵士...

No "Ser." I'm not a knight.

不要称呼 "爵士", 我不是骑士.

I see. Well, it just so happens that I am.

我知道了. 嗯, 恰好我是位骑士.

He said he'd be glad to talk to the hand himself.


He's a knight, you see.

他是位骑士, 你知道.

Ah, a knight.

啊, 骑士.

They strut around like roosters down here.


Even the ones who've never seen an arrow coming their way.


You shouldn't be out here, My Lord.

你不该到这儿来, 大人.

There's no telling who has eyes where. Let them look.

没准哪儿又有眼线. 让他们看着吧.

The former Hand did call on me, My Lord, several times.

前首相确实找过我, 大人, 有好几次.

I regret to say he did not honor me with his patronage.


What did Lord Arryn want?


He always came to see the boy.


I'd like to see him as well.


As you wish My lord. Gendry!

遵命, 大人. 詹德利!

Here he is.


Strong for his age. He works hard.

以他这年纪算得强壮. 干活很勤快.

Show the hand the helmet you made, lad.

让首相瞧瞧你打的那顶头盔, 小子.

This is fine work. It's not for sale.

做得很好. 这不是拿来卖的.

Boy, this is the King's Hand!

小子, 这可是国王之手!

If his lordship wants the helm-I made it for me.


Forgive him, My Lord. There's nothing to forgive.

请原谅, 大人. 没什么要原谅的.
