《逗鸟外传》精讲 10我想要个弟弟(在线收听

We never stop.That's the Gardner promise. Not even for five minutes.

我们永不停止。这是加德纳的承诺 不是为了那五分钟

Oh, look! There's one of our bench ads.And you know what it says?

快看!那是其中一张我们的广告 你知道上面怎么说吗

"We never stop."We never stop. We never stop.

我们永不停止 我们永不停止。我们永不停止

There's a stop sign.We're stopping.


We do stop for that.


I love you, brother.


It's like we're best friends that live together!


And We yield.And the yield you're gonna get on this house, Kyle... And that's what we were saying,like you've gotta be up...

我们让步 你会从这栋房子上得到效益 这就是我们一直说的,你会好起来的

Mom, Dad,I've decided I want a baby brother.


Oh, honey, can you... Can you hold one second?


I think we're fine as a family of three.Why can't I have one? Let's make this easy.Where do you get one? Why are you laughing and not answering me? Where did you get me? What is the joke? Is there a different subject?

我觉得一家三口很好啊 我为什么不能有个弟弟呢 让我们把事情变得简单点。我们去哪里找个弟弟 你们为什么只顾笑不会答我问题 你从哪里找到我的这是个什么玩笑吗 这里有什么其他话题吗

Okay, so there's a super weird vibe in this car right now.


Oh, honey, this is very sweet.But we have you. And that's all we need.

亲爱的,那是一件很甜蜜的事 但是我们已经有你了 你就是我们想要的

That's right.
