美联社新闻一分钟 AP 辉瑞要推出第三剂加强版疫苗?(在线收听

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Pfizer and US officials are said to discuss authorization for a 3rd dose of COVID-19 vaccine on Monday. Pfizer says booster shots will be needed within a year. While President Biden's chief medical adviser, Dr. Anthony Fauci, isn't ruling out the possibility. He says it's too soon for the government to recomment another shot.

辉瑞和美国官员周一讨论批准第三剂新冠肺炎疫苗。辉瑞公司表示,一年内将需要接种加强针。而拜登总统的首席医疗顾问福奇(Anthony Fauci)医生并不排除这种可能性。他指出,政府现在推荐接种第三剂疫苗还为时过早。

Firefighters in California are trying to contain multiple massive wildfires amid scorching temperatures. Power officials urged Californians to conserve energy after fire disrupted electricity supplies from Oregon.


South Florida officials say 90 deaths are now confirmed in the condo building collapse. More than 30 remain missing and the Miami-Dade County Fire Chief says it's uncertain when the recovery operation will end.


Thousands marched in Havana and other parts of Cuba in one of the biggest anti-government demonstrations in memory. Cubans are protesting high prices and food shortages amid the coronavirus pandemic.

