《天才少女》精讲 18弗兰克与母亲争执(在线收听

Diane. Diane didn't always think things through


Arguably one of the brightest minds on the planet


Good luck going down that road


And what do you think she'd say if she saw how her child is living now?

如果她看到孩子住在这种地方 她会怎么说

Do you honestly think she'd be pleased?


That she's living a somewhat normal life? Yes, I do

看着孩子过着平常的生活 她当然满意

She's not normal. And treating her as such is negligence on a grand scale

她不是平常的孩子 把她当成平常的孩子是你的重大过失

I know your heart's in the right place on this


But you are denying the girl her potential. You are.. I can provide for her. I can enrich her life

但你这是耽误了她的潜力 我可以提供给她 我可以丰富她的人生

Oh, come on, Evelyn. You're gonna take that girl, you're gonna bury her in tutors

得了吧 伊芙琳 你要把她带走让她上无数的学习班

then you're gonna loan her out to some think tank


where she can talk nontrivial zeros with a bunch of old Russian guys for the rest of her life


And you'd bury her under a rock


Look, I don't expect you to understand the price you have to pay for greatness

你不明白要成为伟人 都是要付出代价的

Oh, I do. That's why I have Mary in the first place

我明白 否则玛丽也就不会归我抚养了

That's uncalled for


Your sister had a laundry list of problems


She could have solved NavierStokes and gone down in history

她本来有希望解决纳维尔斯托克斯方程 青史留名

as one of the greatest mathematicians of all time


But she didn't because she couldn't finish

可她没有 因为她没能做下去
