美联社新闻一分钟 AP NEWS 2008-01-14(在线收听

1. Authorities say the key suspect in the slaying of a pregnant Marine has been spotted. They say Cpl. Cesar Laurean was seen in Louisiana and could be headed for Texas. He's wanted in the death of Lance Cpl. Maria Lauterbach who had been missing since December.

2. President Bush says Iran is threatening security of the world. He calls the country the world's leading state sponsor of terror and he wants other countries in the region to join the U.S. and confront the problem before it's too late.

3. The commander of one of the U.S. warships that were swarmed by Iranian boats says a threatening radio transmission they received at the same time may have been a coincidence. Still he says the Iranians knew what they were doing when they charged the American ships.

4. This little cub might not have a name yet, but that's not stopping it from becoming a celebrity in Germany. Zookeepers are raising the cub by hand/ after rescuing it from its mother who may have been trying to kill it.
