美联社新闻一分钟 AP NEWS 2008-01-16(在线收听

1.Authorities in North Carolina have found a truck belonging to a murder suspect. Marine Corporal Cesar Laurean has been on the run for days. He's accused of killing fellow marine Maria Laterbach and her unborn child. The vehicle was found in a motel parking lot, not far from the airport.

2.The government says undersized gusset plates were the critical factor in Minneapolis' I-35 West Bridge collapse. Thirteen people died in the disaster. The National Transportation Safety Board says the plates were only about half as thick as they should have been.

3.Baseball commissioner Bud Selig and union leader Donald Fehr both admit they shoulder some of the responsibility for the widespread steroid use in the game. The two testified before a congressional committee looking into how baseball is dealing with the doping scandal.

4.The government says meat and milk from cloned animals is just as safe as normally bred animals. But you won't see those products on the grocery store shelf right away. The Food and Drug Administration has asked manufactures to hold up on sales for a bit longer for marketing reasons. The government will not make manufactures label cloned food.
